Spherical Shell

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The spherical shell primitive is defined by its central point, radius and thickness. It is created with

 CSX = AddSphericalShell(CSX, propName, prio, center, rad, shell_width, varargin)

with the following parameters:

  • CSX: The original CSX structure
  • propName: name of the assigned property
  • prio: priority of the primitive
  • center: coordinate of the center point of the sphere
  • rad: radius of the spherical shell
  • shell_width: thickness of the shell
    • the inner radius of this shell is rad-shell_width/2
    • the outer radius of this shell is rad+shell_width/2
  • varargin: a key/value list of primitives variable arguments


  • Create a metal sphere at (0,0,0) with radius 50 and thickness 10:
CSX = AddMetal(CSX,'metal'); %create PEC with propName 'metal'
CSX = AddSphericalShell(CSX,'metal',10,[0 0 0],50,10);

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