Material Property

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The material property is used for materials that are simply defined by the constant permittivity εr, magnetic permeability μr and electric conductivity κ.

This material can be described as:

\varepsilon(f) = \varepsilon_0\varepsilon_r - j\frac{\kappa}{2\pi f}

\mu(f) = \mu_0\mu_r - j\frac{\sigma_m}{2\pi f}
,where σm is the non-physical magnetic conductivity.

More complex, dispersive Materials can be defined using the Drude/Lorentz material model.


A material property is added by

CSX = AddMaterial(CSX, name)

with the following parameters:

  • CSX: The original CSX structure
  • name: name of the assigned property, must be unique

Material Parameter Definition

The material parameters (e.g. permittivity, conductivity etc.) are defined using SetMaterialProperty:

CSX = SetMaterialProperty(CSX, name, varargin)

with the following parameters:

  • CSX: The original CSX structure
  • name: name of the material property (see above)

and the optional key/value parameter:

  • Epsilon: relative electric permittivity (must be >=1)
  • Mue: relative magnetic permeability (must be >=1)
  • Kappa: electric conductivity (must be >=0)
  • Sigma: magnetic conductivity (non-physical property, must be >=0)


Add a non-magnetic material with ε = 10.2:

CSX = AddMaterial(CSX,'MaterialName');
CSX = SetMaterialProperty( CSX, 'MaterialName', 'Epsilon', 10.2, 'Mue', 1 );
% add your primitives
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